Thursday, February 23, 2006

Another old adage I feel is misleading, to say the least, is - 'Never judge a book by its cover'. Upon seeing a copy of Swan by nut-nut and part-time model Naomi Campbell in my local Smiths my first thought was 'What a shit cover'. I have just finished reading the aforementioned book for the second time and, lo and behold, it was shit on both occasions.

Dear Sir,
With reference to your comment above - I have recently completed Being Jordan by Miss Katie Price. I feel I should warn any potential purchasers of this book that the middle eastern country is not mentioned once! Instead the author chooses to highlight the exploits of a large breasted trollop from the Brighton area and marriage to a gentleman dwarf from Australia. It is a case of misleading advertising at its worst. By way of a protest I have cut off three of my fingers on my left hand and sent them to the publishers and I urge fellow readers to do the same thing. This is the only way we can ensure these dishonest practices cannot continue.
Douglas Douglas,


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